META21 is organized by
of Lille (Universitι Lille), France
INRIA Lille Nord Europe, France
EMI, Morocco
Conference chairs: B.
Dorronsoro (Univ. Cadiz, Spain), F. Yalaoui (UTT, France)
Conference program
chairs: A. Nakib (Univ. Paris Est, France), G.
Danoy (Univ. Luxembourg)
Steering committee:
Prof. E. Talbi (France, Chair), Prof.
R. Ellaia (Morocco), Prof. K. Mellouli (Tunisia)
Publicity committee
- G. Danoy (Univ. Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
- H. Masri (University of
Bahrain, Bahrain)
- S. Nesmachnow (Universidad de la Repϊblica, Uruguay)
- M. Aider (USTHB, Algeria)
Program committee
M. Aider (Algeria)
E. Alba (Spain)
L. Amodeo (France)
R. Battiti (Italy)
J. Blazewicz (Poland)
C. Blum (Spain)
- P. Bouvry (Luxembourg)
- T. Crainic (Canada)
- F.
D'Andreagiovanni (France)
- K. Deb (USA)
- J. del
Ser (Spain)
K. Dorner (Austria)
M. Dorigo (Belgium)
- A. El Afia
- R. Ellaia
- T. M.
Escobar (Mexico)
P. Festa (Italy)
- J. Figueira (Portugal)
- E. Fraga (UK)
J. M. Garcνa-Nieto (Spain)
- M. Gendreau (Canada)
- S. Hanafi (France)
J-K. Hao (France)
R. Hartl (Austria)
- L. Idoumghar
- I.
Kucukkoc (Turkey)
P. Korosec (Slovenia)
S. Krichen (Tunisia)
R. Magαn-Carriσn (Spain)
- S. Martins
R. Massobrio (Uruguay)
- N. Melab
- A.J.
Nebro (Spain)
- S. Nesmachnow
- J. F. Oliveira (Portugal)
- I. H. Osman (Lebanon)
- G. Papa (Slovenia)
M. Pavone (Italy)
- D.
Precioso (Spain)
J. Puchinger (France)
G. Raidl (Austria)
H. Ramalhinho (Spain)
M. Resende (USA)
C. Ribeiro (Brazil)
A. Salhi (UK)
- A. Santiago
F. Saubion (France)
- A. Sbihi
- O. Schutze
P. Siarry (France)
T. Stutzle (Belgium)
P. Toth (Italy)
- K-C. Tan (Singapour)
- A. Viana (Portugal)
- F. Yalaoui (France)
- Ismail Yusuf
- N. Zufferey
October 27 Welcome and registration
Registration at Palm Plazza Hotel lobby
Recorded presentations available on the website of the
Recorded presentations available on
the web site of the conference.
Program at glance
Time in Morocco is European Time - 1h.
October 27 Welcome and
Registration at 5* Palm Plazza Hotel lobby
Morocco Time |
Opening (Prof. E-G. Talbi) |
9h30 |
(chair: Prof. F. Yalaoui) |
10h50 |
Break |
11h20 |
Session Learning & Optimization (chair: A. Nakib) |
12h40 |
October 29 Online and onsite
9h30 |
(chair: Prof. L. Amodeo) |
10h30 |
Break |
11h00 |
(chair: Prof. R. Ellaia) |
12h20 |
October 30 Recorded video
Recorded presentations available on the website of
the conference
Detailed program
10h - 12h Registration
14h - 17h Registration
9h15 9h30 Opening Session Prof. E-G. Talbi
Session Combinatorial
Optimization (chair: Prof. F. Yalaoui)
Adaptive iterative destruction construction heuristic
for the firefighters timetabling problem
Mohamed Amine Ouberkouk, Jean-Paul Boufflet, Aziz Moukrim
Energy-efficient buffer allocation : multi-objective
Yasmine Alaouchiche, Farouk Yalaoui, Yassine Ouazene
Hidden genes genetic algorithm applied to
variable-sized design space optimal layout problems
Juliette GAMOT, Mathieu Balesdent, Arnault Tremolet,
Romain Wuilbercq, Melab Nouredine, El-Ghazali Talbi
ClusterTune : Tuning Metaheuristics Using Clustering
for Scheduling Problems
Mohamed ElAmine Athmani, Taha Arbaoui, Farouk Yalaoui
10h50 11h20 Coffee break
11h20 - 12h40
Session Optimization
& Machine learning (chair: A. Nakib)
Genetic Algorithm for Neural Network Architecture
Ayman Makki, Talbi EL Ghazali, Pascal Bouvry,
Gregoire Danoy
Multi-Infill Bayesian Optimisation for improving
Exploration and Exploitation Trade-off
Jιrιmy Sadet, Franck Massa, El-Ghazali Talbi,
Thierry Tison, Isabelle Turpin
Optimization of deep neural network: Application to
the forecast of energy consumption
Thomas Firmin, El-Ghazali Talbi, Sandra Claudel,
Jean-Yves LUCAS
Spiking Neural Networks and Audio Classification
Farah Medjahed, Philippe Devienne, Abou el hassane Benyamina
19h30 BANQUET Meeting @Hotel Palm Plazza Lobby
Session Optimization
(chair: Prof. L. Amodeo)
Evaluating private social choice: particle swarm
optimisation without panopticon
Vicenc Torra, Edgar Galvan
Discrete PSO
strategies for search in unit lattice of m-dimensional simplex
Marek Kvet, Jaroslav Janαček
pyParadiseo : a Python-powered Framework for
Metaheuristic Optimization
Jan Gmys, Nouredine Melab, El-Ghazali Talbi
10h30 11h Coffee break
11h00 - 12h20
Session Applications (chair: Prof. R. Ellaia)
Sales forecasting with weather data using fuzzy
natural logic
Tomas Tichy, Ales Kresta, Hana Dvorackova
path-relinking method for p-location problem
Jaroslav Janαček, Marek Kvet
A Study on the Influence of Runtime Uncertainty in the
Optimization of Software Programs
Jose Miguel Aragon-Jurado, Juan Carlos de la Torre, El-Ghazali Talbi,
Bernabe Dorronsoro
The Construction of Uniformly Deployed Set of Feasible
Solutions for the p-Location Problem
Peter Czimmermann
GA and ILS for optimizing the size of NFA models
Frιdιric Lardeux, Eric Monfroy
A Physarum-inspired approach for influence
Gustavo Rodrνguez-Gσmez, Alvaro Lopez-Garcia,
Aurelio Lσpez-Lσpez
A Genetic Algorithm for a capacitated lot-sizing
problem with lost sales, overtimes, and safety stock constraints
Franηois Larroche, Odile Bellenguez, Guillaume Massonnet,
Benoξt Le Badezet
A Large Neighborhood Search for a Cooperative
Optimization Approach to Distribute Service Points in Mobility Applications
Thomas Jatschka, Tobias Rodemann, Gόnther Raidl
A new strategy for
collective energy self-consumption in the eco-industrial park : Mathematical
modeling and economic evaluation
Hamza GRIBISS, Mohammad Mohsen AGHELINEJAD, Farouk Yalaoui
Automatic generation
of metaheuristic algorithms
Sergio Iturra, Carlos Contreras-Bolton, Victor Parada
Evolutionary-based Optimization of Hardware
Configurations for DNN on Edge GPUs
Halima Bouzidi, Hamza OUARNOUGHI, El-Ghazali Talbi,
Abdessamad Ait El Cadi, Smail NIAR
A New Learnheuristic:
Binary SARSA - Sine Cosine Algorithm (BS-SCA)
Marcelo Becerra-Rozas, Josι Lemus-Romani, Broderick Crawford,
Ricardo Soto, Felipe Cisternas-Caneo, Andrιs Trujillo Embry, Mαximo Arnao
Molina, Diego Tapia, Mauricio Castillo, Josι-Miguel Rubio
Biased Random-key
Genetic Algorithm for the 2-Dimensional Guillotine Cutting Stock Problem with
Stack Constraints
Marcos Vinνcius Almeida Guimarγes, Eduardo T. Bogue, Iago A.
Carvalho, Thiago Noronha, Armando H. Pereira, Sebastiαn Urrutia
Minimum Rule-Repair
Algorithm for Supervised Learning Classifier Systems on Real-valued
Classification Tasks
Koki Hamasaki, Masaya Nakata
methodology for solving the multi depot vehicle routing problem with limited
supply capacity at the depots
Javier de Prado, Sandro Moscatelli, Pedro Piρeyro,
Libertad Tansini, Omar Viera
Visualizing Crossover
Rate Influence in Differential Evolution with Expected Fitness Improvement
Vladimir Stanovov, Shakhnaz Akhmedova, Eugene Semenkin
A New Robustness Concept for Multi-objective Optimization under Uncertainty
Raca Todosijevic, El-Ghazali Talbi
Deep Learning and Multi-objective Optimization
Oumayma Bahri, Lionel Amodeo
A discrete-time
Markov Chain model for a healthcare periodic inventory system with stochastic
demand, lost sales and required service level.
Saβdia Khoukhi
Optimization Approach under uncertainty for Workforce Routing and Scheduling
Problem in Home Health Care
Mariem Belhor, Adnen EL-Amraoui, Abderrazak JEMAI,
Analysis of
Behavioural Differences in Experimental Trading Period with GUHA Method
Hana Dvorackova, Tomas Tichy, Petr Dvoracek
Enhancing the Performance of Software Programs for
Devices with Limited Computing Capacity
Carlos Benito-Jareρo, Juan Carlos de la Torre, Pascal Bouvry,
Bernabe Dorronsoro
A review of the Electric School Bus Routing Problem
Hajar Bideq, Khaoula Ouaddi, Rachid Ellaia, Agnθs Gorge
Spiking Neural Networks and Audio Classification
Farah MEDJAHED, Philippe Devienne, Abou el hassane Benyamina